The Danish FSA’s role in the sustainability reporting in 2025
Published 13 December 2024
Category: Impact and ESG
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (“FSA”) has published a short press release regarding their role in relation to the sustainability reporting in 2025.
The first companies, including banks and insurance companies, are for the first time in 2025 obligated to include a sustainability report as part of their management review in the annual report for 2024. The Danish FSA shall supervise the sustainability reporting of financial companies. It is expected that the supervisory practice will continue to evolve after the rules come into force, and in line with the developments in companies working with sustainability reporting in general.
Due to this the Danish FSA and the Danish Business Authority are working on a guidance on their priorities in relation to the sustainability reporting and will as a part of the supervision of the sustainability reports focus on guidance of companies to strengthen their understanding and compliance with the new rules. However, the Danish FSA will take the necessary supervisory reactions into effect in situations with serious violations or neglect of the requirements for sustainability reporting.
Tags: CSRD
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